
Implementation of signaturiX biometric signature

With Asseco's trust services and Samsung's mobile solutions


Technology for innovative logistics

InPost is a leader in modern logistics services and the creator of the Paczkomat network – self-service parcel sending and receiving points open 24/7. InPost also provides high-quality courier services. Among them is the SmartCourier – specialised couriers deliver documents to addressees for signature and forward them back to the sender. This is a practical way of concluding distance contracts for B2C service providers or exchanging documents between business partners.

The service is currently operated by 640 InPost couriers, who by May 2022 had handled more than 50,000 documents, and this number is growing every day.


Digitisation of document workflow in logistics

One of the goals of InPost's ESG strategy is to create simple solutions for customers using modern technologies. They make logistics products and services innovative, efficient and environmentally friendly. InPost continues to improve the processes it has implemented, which is why it sought a way to optimise in the SmartCourier service as well.

The company was keen to reduce turnaround time, simplify logistics and reduce the risk of lost signed documents. An additional challenge in the planned optimisation was the requirement to maintain the confidentiality of personal data in accordance with the GDPR. In order to achieve its optimisation goals, InPost chose a paperless solution proposed by Xtension and Asseco experts – the signaturiX biometric signature implemented on Samsung mobile devices.

'The amazing thing about technology is its ability to constantly improve. That's why we create new solutions and transform the reality around us, because we believe that through technology we can become more and more efficient, just as our clients' businesses. For this reason, we decided to design and implement a new service for business based on Xtension's proprietary biometric signature solution in cooperation with Asseco and Samsung.'

Katarzyna Olejniczak, Head of SmartCourier department, InPost


Biometric signature and trust services for logistics

The solution provided involves the use of digital documents in PDF format, which the addressee signs by hand with a stylus on the courier's tablet screen. The biometric characteristics of the handwritten signature – speed, pace, pressure – are captured using Samsung tablets. SignaturiX also helps to conveniently, quickly and intuitively fill in all fields in an electronic document, additionally shortening the face-to-face meeting with the courier.

The authenticity and integrity of each signature is ensured by the qualified electronic seal
andthe qualified electronic timestamp
of Asseco, as well as dedicated services of the so-called Trusted Third Party. These services additionally secure the key encrypting the biometric data of the handwritten signature for possible graphological analysis by a forensic expert. They also guarantee that any change to the signed data will be detected immediately.

The new e-SmartCourier service, which is as secure as possible and meets the project's objectives, was launched in Poland on 2 May 2022, after a pilot program lasting nearly 13 months. By the end of May, InPost had already handled 50,000 documents and helped save half a million sheets of paper.

By digitising the documentation, the sender transfers it directly to the courier's tablet, who has no way to open and read it. The courier's task is to confirm the identity of the recipient, who receives an SMS code to open the document and make a biometric signature with a stylus under the documents sent, the bill of lading and a checklist that indicates the data for identity verification. At the same time, the system checks whether all fields have been filled in. The documents are then returned to the sender in a secure electronic form. The risk of losing them has dropped to zero. Costs associated with paper handling have also been eliminated.

Key benefits

Paperless supports ESG goals

  • Innovative and first-to-market paperless courier service for business
  • Customer comfort and saving on printing and time
  • Enhanced security and confidentiality of documentation
  • Significant acceleration of service delivery time
  • Total reduction in the cost of envelopes and printing for the customers
  • Strengthening the innovative image
  • Achieving the goals of the ESG strategy
  • Increased efficiency of the document validation team

A sender using eSmartCourier does not have to wait for a courier or print documents. He can view the current status of the shipment. The new solution completely eliminates the risk of losing documents and prevents them from being shared with third parties. The entire process has been shortened from several days to just a few hours. As a result, the company can almost immediately launch the contracted service.

Project milestones

  • June 2019: Signing of the agreement.
  • July 2019 - January 2020: Implementation and testing.
  • April 2021: Piloting with customers.
  • May 2022: Global service launch.

    Project in numbers

    • 0 sheets of paper in the process
    • 4x increase in efficiency of processing and verification of correctness of documentation
    • 14 days needed to launch the service directly to the customer
    • 640 couriers able to use the solution
    • > 1800% reduction in turnaround time for signing documentation
    'Together with Asseco and Samsung, we were able to improve and modernise InPost's very practical courier service. The implementation of the signaturiX solution has reduced the number of paper documents generated and made the entire process much greener and more economical.'

    Tomasz Ostaszewski, CEO of Xtension

    'The signature that the addressee makes with the stylus on the tablet's screen is secured by Asseco's qualified trust services. They protect it from forgery and prove its authenticity in court. The contract concluded in this way is valid, and the corresponding paperless process brings real business benefits.'

    Artur Miękina, Key Projects Sales Director of Asseco Data Systems.

    Users of the new service can rest assured that the documents they send or sign will be properly protected from loss or leakage. Couriers, in turn, will appreciate the convenience of use and durability of Samsung tablets. This is another very good example of how mobility supports paperless projects.

    Tomasz Chomicki, Director of Business Development at Samsung