MPEC Olsztyn - system Microsoft Dynamics AX
After the implementation of the system, the company has automated a large part of the repetitive operations, thanks to which costs are reduced and customer service is faster.
The history of Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej [the City Thermal Power Company] dates back to the end of 1950s and it is related to Zakład Cieplny Miejskiego Zarządu Budynków Mieszkalnych [Heating Company of the City Management of Residential Buildings]. The following years brought the series of legal transformations; in 1997, the single shareholder company of Gmina Miejska (the City District) was established. Since that time, Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Spółka z o.o. has continued to strengthen its leading position in the heating market within its area of activity. At present it is a producer and distributor of thermal energy for 60% of the city’s consumers. MPEC Spółka z o.o. provides comprehensive heating services, using safe and environment-friendly technologies.
Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej had computer systems developed and maintained partly by a local computer company and partly by the manager of the IT Department. The old systems were created using old technologies and, as a consequence, they were not able to reflect all economic processes. Therefore, the data were often lacking in quality. Frequently changing regulations and increasing demands of clients forced Client’s profile. Rozwiązanie. Company’s situation. the company to seek a new computer solution which would support all internal processes of the organization. Furthermore, the establishment of books of rates for consumers was connected with long-term preparation of data. It quickly turned out that the standard functions of the ERP systems are not sufficient. Therefore, MPEC Olsztyn looked for specialist solutions for heating sector as well.
The company looked for a computer system which would enable the company to develop dynamically in the heating market. In order to choose an optimum solution, MPEC Olsztyn started to cooperate with a consulting company. Tenders were conducted as a part of the public procurement procedure. After the initial verification of offerers, the two following companies were chosen in the last stage of the procedure: Comarch, which offered its computer system of ERP class named Egeria, and Asseco Poland S.A. with its Microsoft Dynamics AX system. What decided about the final choice was the fact that Asseco fully met the requirements defined by MPEC Olsztyn, including the latest technology and the widest range of functions. A great price was an additional asset.
Microsoft Dynamics AX is a system recognized all over the world. It is flexible and able to model business processes taking place in a company. Asseco Poland S.A. proved that it understood issues of the heating sector very well. Its individual approach to the client’s needs and its professional consultants guarantee the success of its computer projects. Asseco Poland S.A. occupies the leading position as a provider of Microsoft applications in the whole sector of business solutions, i.e. Dynamics (Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft CRM). In 2007, it was the winner of the Microsoft partner ranking for the second time in a row (the criteria taken into account included sales levels and competences of consultants confirmed with certificates). As the first company in the Central-Eastern Europe, Asseco Poland S.A. was invited to join the elite group of the best Microsoft partners, namely the President’s Club.
Apart from the vertical version of the Microsoft Dynamics AX system (i.e. the one adapted to the specific needs of the Utility sector), Asseco Poland delivered its original products as well, namely:
- Kom-Media – the billing system,
- Kom-Bok – the document circulation system,
- Kom-Net – the system servicing investments and repairs.
These systems integrated with the Microsoft Dynamics AX application create a unique IT solution which facilitates the optimized management of the company.
After the implementation of the system, the company has automated a large part of repeated operations; as a result, the costs have been reduced and the speed of the client service has increased. The system significantly supports the process of rate calculation. MPEC Olsztyn has an access to the current and reliable managing information concerning the current finanBenefits for the client. cial situation; therefore, it is possible to react quickly to the changing needs of the market. Owing to the implementation of the integrated system, information is entered only once and it is immediately visible for other users. Implementation of the latest Microsoft technologies increased the IT safety of the company as well.