Paperless solution for Plus and Polsat Box customers
How to save 182k reams of paper at points of sale.
Leader in media and telecommunications services
The Polsat Plus Group (GPP) is one of Poland's largest companies and the leading media and telecommunications group in the region. In total, it provides more than 20 million pay-TV, telephony and Internet access services. Polsat Television Group's channels are at the top of the viewing market in the commercial group, and the Polsat-Interia Group holds a leading position in the Internet publishing market – it already has 21.2 million monthly portal users, who generate an average of about 2.2 billion page views each month. GPP creates television content, and provides telecommunications products and integrated services for individual and business customers using the best and most modern technologies.
GPP has more than 1,000 stationary points of sale (POS) nationwide, with some 3,500 advisors.

Digitisation of B2C sales and POS customer service
Several thousand POS advisors printed a huge number of paper documents every day. Handling them was costly and also very time-consuming. High costs were generated by purchasing paper, printing, printer leasing and maintaining the archive. Paper documents needed to be completed, verified and archived. The decision was made to simplify these processes by reducing point-of-sale printing and using commercially available technologies and tools for digitisation.
The decision to reduce the amount of paper used was also a result of GPP's long-standing social mission, its pro-environmental approach and its activity within the Clean Poland Program Association.
A proposal from Asseco, Xtension and Samsung was selected to build a new digital process, supporting the implementation of paperless strategies in enterprises. The solution allows signing contracts with a stylus on a tablet screen with security software – Samsung KNOX. Documents are stamped with a qualified electronic seal and a qualified electronic timestamp compliant with the European eIDAS regulation.
'The implementation of electronic signatures is another step in the digital transformation of the Polsat Plus Group, in which we are supported by Asseco, our technology partner. As a result, Plus and Polsat Box customers can benefit from solutions using the latest technologies that support environmental protection and bring time savings, speed and convenience.'
Katarzyna Wróbel-Frątczak, Deputy Director of Sales and Base Management for Sales Development and Maintenance of Polsat Plus Group
E-signature on tablet at Polsat Plus Group sales points
A prerequisite for the implementation of the paperless solution was to cover as wide a customer base as possible, and to meet formal and legal requirements so that contracts and annexes are concluded in accordance with regulations.
The project required changes to the Polsat Plus Group's sales and service systems and customer acquisition and retention processes, as well as integration of the systems with the SignaturiX tablet signature system supplied by Xtension. The schedule was divided into several stages, implemented gradually in selected business processes and companies. The first stage involved the implementation of new digital sales processes for Plus telecommunications services, and the second for PolsatBox TV services.
The project was carried out by teams from the Telecommunications and Media Division of Asseco Poland, Asseco Data Systems and Xtension, as well as the business departments and IT teams of the Polsat Plus Group. Nearly 150 specialists worked on the implementation for 12 months, from January 2021 to January 2022, and modified approx. 25 systems.As much as 99% of the workshops and project work took place remotely due to the pandemic. The project team met live for the first time after 9 months of working together in September 2021, on the occasion of the launch of the paperless solution for Plus services.
In the new digital customer service process, a POS employee using a tablet with SignaturiX software scans a QR code from the sales system screen. A proposal of the agreed terms of the contract and its final version appear on the tablet. The contract is then hand-signed with a stylus by the customer and an advisor representing the operator, and confirmed in the system with a qualified seal and a qualified electronic timestamp. This makes it a strong and independent legal evidence. Finally, the contract, in an encrypted PDF file, goes to the e-mail address specified by the customer and to the e-Archive.

Speed, safety and ecology
- Convenience for customers and saving their time
- Security of document workflow and transactions
- Elimination of paper documents from the POS.
- Reduction of operating costs
- Reduced customer service time
- Automates processes and reduces the risk of error
- Environmental protection: saved >70,000 reams of paper, 14 hectares of forest, and 90 million litres of water since September

'Polsat Plus Group has reduced the cost of maintaining a paper document workflow. It has implemented a new, secure and completely digital process to protect documents and customer data. It has introduced an innovative and modern paperless solution to the organisation, in line with the green measures that the Group has been consistently implementing for years.'
Katarzyna Wróbel-Frątczak, Deputy Director of Sales and Base Management for Sales Development and Maintenance of Polsat Plus Group
- January – May 2021: preparation of environments for the new solution; preparation of a functional design; development works in adapting the solution; documentation elaboration.
- May 2021: production tests of the solution for a part of Plus processes in a selected POS.
- July 2021: production deployment; production testing; full scope piloting for Plus processes.
- July – September 2021: stabilization and commercialization of the solution in all POS for Plus processes.
- September 2021: more than 1,000 POS use the paperless solution for Plus services.
- November 2021: production implementation for Polsat Box processes.
- November – December 2021: stabilization and making the Polsat Box processes available in the selected group of POS.
- January 2022: more than 1,000 POS use the paperless solution for Polsat Box services.
- ~25 The approximate number of modified GPP systems
- > 70% of contracts currently concluded electronically
- 99% of the work is done in the remote mode
- >1000 the number of POS covered by the paperless solution
'This was one of our largest projects in 2021. In total, for 12 months, the teams of the Telecommunications and Media Division of Asseco Poland, Asseco Data Systems and Xtension, as well as the business departments and IT teams of the Polsat Plus Group, made the necessary modifications to domain systems, prepared dozens of new interfaces, hundreds of pages of documentation and thousands of lines of code. It was an ambitious project that brought a lot of satisfaction, facilitated the customer service process, allowed for the digitisation of further sales processes and, above all, supported environmental protection.'
Rafał Rycerz, Project Manager, Asseco Poland
'The implementation at Polsat Plus Group is a large and important project. An important feature and differentiator of this solution is that the security of the authenticity and integrity of the digital signature will be implemented based on a qualified electronic seal and qualified electronic timestamp, provided by Asseco. As a result, the electronic document, generated and sent to the customer via e-mail will constitute strong and independent legal evidence.'
Artur Miękina, Key Projects Sales Director, Asseco Data Systems.