The Waterworks and Sewage System Company in Łódź
The implementation of MS Dynamics AX system allows you to serve customers in a more efficient way.
The Waterworks and Sewage System Company in Łódź (ZWiK) is the public limited company, where the city of Łódź has 100% of shares. It renders municipal services for two cities: Łódź and Tomaszów Mazowiecki. Around 780,000 inhabitants benefit from the services of the Waterworks and Sewage System Company in Łódź. The company draws water mainly from 90 drilled wells, utilizes over 2,000km of water pipelines and 1,600km of sewage network.
The Waterworks and Sewage System Company in Łódź is one of the biggest municipal companies in Poland. Before the implementation the company used applications created by its IT department and applications implemented by local operators. Further use of old applications did not provide sufficient security, nor did it meet current needs of the company and their development sometimes was not possible.
There were several applications in the Company which exchanged data between themselves in an offline mode. It caused substantial obstacles in terms of reporting for management purposes. In the face of such rich volume and complexity of data produced by ZWiK, the old systems proved to be insufficient for dynamic development of the Company.
Moreover, old applications made many important process provided for by the ZWiK impossible, for example process of invoicing for draining off of rainwaters or documents circulation were manual. In addition, changing legal requirements, old technology and systems adjustment to current economic conditions entailed need for constant investments in relation to modernization of outdated and inefficient software.
The Company was faced with the need to choose a system which would allow for proper functioning, for rendering services and automation of activities on all levels possible. Both a producer as well as a supplier should guarantee services of the highest quality. After the tender according to the procedure the Waterworks and Sewage System Company in Łódź chosen the best offer, meeting all the requirements as regards both a system as well as a supplier. The company chose MS Dynamics AX system and Asseco Poland. This choice was supported by many indicators, including the latest technology, flexibility and access to open source code enabling adding own functionalities by the internal IT department. Asseco Poland company offered a complex solution, composed not only of ERP II system – MS Dynamics AX, but also copyrighted vertical solution for the Utility sector.
The following components were implemented: MS Dynamics AX, Kom-Media (billing system), Kom-Bok (combination of Workflow functionality with CRM), Kom-Net in the area of utilization orders. Apart from fulfilling all formal requirements, the market position of Asseco Poland, which is one of the biggest IT systems integrators, also had a huge impact in choosing the supplier. Asseco, in order to create an integrated IT system at the ZWiK in Łódź, implemented MS Dynamics AX in the area of finances, accounting, fixed assets, storehouses, vindication, costs, working clothing dispatch together with Asseco’s dedicated solutions for Utility sector: Kom-Media, Kom-Bok, Kom-Net. It is worth noting that vindication and working clothing dispatch module in the Microsoft Dynamics AX were created from scratch according to specific requirements made by the Customer. Data migration occurred to be a huge challenge during implementation, because the Company had several databases.
For the implementation purpose, a new functionality was added for collecting cost data within draft orders. Another new element added to this solution was the creation of an instrument for controlling the process of working clothing dispatch. The solution for reporting created by Asseco Poland within Microsoft Dynamics AX technology was implemented to fulfill demands of the Customer.
The implementation due to huge commitment of both parties was successful and Microsoft Dynamics AX system definitely improved company’s functioning.
Renata Wielanek, Accounting Department Manager ZWiK Łódź