Asseco implements e-signing of financing agreements at BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions Polska
October 1, 2021

BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions Polska, with the support of Asseco, implements a comprehensive solution for the remote signing of contracts. The implementation will enable signing documents with a qualified electronic signature and their validation, i.e. verification of the signatures thanks to the Signer application from Asseco Data Systems. The solution has reduced direct contacts, accelerated the service delivery time, and enhanced its security.BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions, part of the BNP Paribas Group, is a European leader in financing professional equipment, supporting the development of its customers and industry partners. In order to meet their needs, the company operating in Poland decided to introduce modern trust services and the possibility to sign financing agreements without leaving home.
"At BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions we provide companies with the flexibility they need to remain competitive and sustainable. As experts we perfectly know the industries in which our customers and partners operate. We anticipate changes taking place on the market and while reacting to them, we select solutions that fit both current and future trends. Therefore, one of our priorities, especially during the ongoing pandemic, was to digitize and simplify the process of signing financing agreements and enable conducting it fully remotely. The implemented solution has streamlined and accelerated work, increased the safety of our employees and clients by reducing direct contact to a minimum. Cooperation with Asseco Data Systems, one of the major providers of qualified signatures on the Polish market, has made us confident of the implemented solution and the project's success," emphasizes Marcin Nowacki, Managing Director of BLS Business Unit.
Under this project, Asseco Data Systems has delivered a solution that enables the performance of operational tasks related to the lease execution process in a fully electronic manner, both inside and outside the organization.
"The project for BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions is distinguished by the dedicated installation of the SIGNER platform in a SaaS model. It enables management of the lifecycle of a secured electronic document using qualified trust services compliant with the eIDAS Regulation. Moreover, we have provided an additional Sign HUB component that, once integrated with the Signer platform, allows for the electronic signing of documents using various methods of affirmation of declarations of intent, such as SimplySign remote qualified signature, card-based qualified e-signature and ordinary electronic signature, i.e. SMS signature with the use of a qualified electronic seal," adds Artur Miękina, Key Projects Sales Director, Asseco Data Systems.
Qualified trust services offered by Asseco Data Systems are ensured in compliance with the eIDAS requirements, and a qualified electronic signature is legally equivalent to a hand-written signature.