Asseco receives Smart City Poland Award
January 7, 2022

The project "Implementation of the largest EMV payment system in Poland in transport using a distance tariff, based on a universal autocomputer with MS Windows IoT, in the city of Tychy" won in the "Transport" category. Asseco Data Systems received the award during the Smart City Expo Poland conference. One of the participants of the event was Paweł Sokołowski, Director of Business Development at Asseco Data Systems, who talked about lightweight payment systems in urban mobility services.
The aim of the winning project was to connect the city of Tychy to the Silesian Public Services Card system with the simultaneous introduction of a new type of payment with Visa and MasterCard. An additional element was to place the system in the cloud and address the platforming defined as Smart City 4.0.
Our solution is based on the international payment standard MTT. This means that when entering a vehicle and validating the card on the reader or puncher, we activate our account and then all our trips are added to it. This account is issued with a bill, which can take into account e.g. on the most favourable fare for the passenger - said Robert Kobylański, Vice President of Asseco Data Systems. It is also worth emphasizing the ecological aspect of the solution, which is part of our initiative #PaperlessBusiness. It does not require printing tickets or confirmations. When the card is validated, the token is created, which is the identifier of the transaction and the confirmation that the passenger has paid the fee - he added. Paweł Sokołowski, in turn, during his speech at the conference, pointed out that such solutions could be particularly useful during the pandemic and related sanitary regimes.Lightweight payment systems in urban mobility services support cities during the pandemic crisis. The management of the parking area and public transport can be identified as the main challenges facing municipalities. Mobile solutions are the answer, i.e. virtual parking meter, resignation from cash and switching to online payment or purchasing a ticket in the application. The change of existing processes is facilitated by Metropolis.ISPP, i.e. the Intelligent Paid Parking System based on AI - said the expert from Asseco Data Systems.