Trusted Economy Forum 2023: Business can't choose between user experience and security
March 16, 2023
Trust in business is crucial, especially in digital times. Technology is making it easier and faster to conduct all kinds of transactions remotely, but at the same time it is forcing the development of tools to confirm credibility and ensure security. Verifying the identity of counterparties in an unquestionable manner must be done efficiently so as not to slow down business processes. On the other hand, organizations face numerous threats, such as identity or credential theft and deepfake. How to efficiently balance security and good user experience will be discussed at this year's Trusted Economy Forum, Europe's largest conference on electronic trust services.
Theevent will begin with a debate on the economy of trust, featuring invitedguests representing the most important areas of the digital economy ande-commerce. The introduction will be preceded by a presentation by ZbigniewJagiełło, an experienced financial market manager and member of the supervisoryboards of BLIK and Asseco International. Janusz Cieszyński, Secretary of Stateand Government Plenipotentiary for Cyber Security, will be a special guest atthe Forum. "Digital transformation is making business more comfortable -speed, accessibility, the ability to work from anywhere. However, when we don'tmeet a counterparty face-to-face, we need to rely on digital means ofauthentication and proof of identity to build trust and guarantee the securityof transactions," explains Tomasz Litarowicz, director of the Trusted EconomyForum.
Cyber security and changes in the law
Participants in the Trusted Economy Forum will be able to choose between two thematic tracks: technology/business and expert. An important element of the first will be cyber security. ComCERT experts will talk about the challenges faced by business in the context of trusted services. A representative of the Central Office for Combating Cybercrime will present how the authenticity of a biometric signature is confirmed. The technology and business track will discuss examples of implementations at ING Lease Polska, among others. An important thread will also be e-delivery, which is the missing link in the circulation of e-documents.
The expert track will focus on changes in Polish, European and global standards and legislation. The year 2023 will be special, as it is now that the final shape of the eIDAS 2.0 regulation, crucial for the EU trust services industry, is to be voted on. Speeches with the participation of, among others, a representative of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister will be a pretext for discussing topics related to: the need to create uniform data identifiers, the need to establish a level of reliability for trusted signatures or the introduction of free electronic signatures. There will also be threads related to the inclusion of Ukraine in the European ecosystem of trust services and making it easier for entrepreneurs from that country to do business in the European Union.
Challenges of the trust services market: European Identity Wallet, quantum computers and e-signature maintenance
"The legal changes announced by the European Commission are stirring up a lot of emotions. Some trust service providers are concerned that the introduction of the European Digital Identity Wallet will have a negative impact on their business. In Poland, there is an ongoing discussion about how much the mCitizen service will fit into the regulator's assumptions, as well as in what direction it should be developed," says Tomasz Litarowicz, director of the Trusted Economy Forum. "In the technological area, too, there are many issues that will have a significant impact on the development of the trust services market. The development of quantum computers and the associated threat that someone will use their vast computing capabilities to decrypt asymmetric cryptography, or the need to maintain electronic signatures so that they will be useful when systems and algorithms change are just a few."
The Trusted Economy Forum will present the findings of a report, prepared in cooperation with, presenting a perspective of the trust services market in the European Union. Participants of the event will learn about the landscape and portfolio of EU identity providers and qualified trust service providers, as well as the main challenges and opportunities in this segment. The report will help answer the question - How will eIDAS 2.0 change the identity and trust services market in the coming years?
The content partner of the Trusted Economy Forum is
Honorary patrons of the Trusted Economy Forum are: Związek Cyfrowa Polska (Digital Poland Union), European Signature Dialog, Scientific and Academic Computer Network - National Research Institute (NASK), Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (PIIT), Federation of Polish Entrepreneurs.
For registration and more information on the event, which will take place on May 23, 2023 in Warsaw, please see:
Asseco is the largest IT company in Poland and the Central and Eastern European region. For more than 30 years it has been developing technologically advanced software for companies in key sectors of the economy. The company is present in 60 countries around the world and employs over 32,000 people. It is growing organically as well as through acquisitions. Asseco companies are listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE), NASDAQ and the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.