Comprehensive Kindergarten Recruitment System
It is used to conduct recruitment for educational facilities. The tool supports the process of electronic recruitment of candidates for kindergartens and kindergarten departments in primary schools. The system consists of two cooperating applications: an internal one, aimed at users from educational establishments and the leading authority, and a public one, aimed at parents.
The platform allows the following recruitment models to be implemented:
- to the kindergarten,
- to the recruitment groups by age.
The solution is configured according to customer expectations in the areas of:
- definition of criteria, number of points,
- creating a schedule and timetable,
- system messages,
- additional fields of the offer created by individual facilities,
- editable elements of forms and prints,
- rules for the recruitment of children continuing preschool education,
- rules for the recruitment of children with special educational needs,
- rules for the recruitment of children from outside the municipality,
- the scope of information posted in the public part of the system.